We worked with the National Trust for Historic Preservation, the National Park Service, and the curators Thomas Mellins, and Donald Albrecht on this website that showcases proposals for reimagining the Tidal Basin in Washington D.C. Originally planned to be an exhibit of the design proposals, the project was turned into a website that launched fall 2020. The site highlights the proposals of five landscape architects commissioned to redesign the basin in light of current climate change, expanded usage of the park, and thoughts on public memorials. In addition, we worked with the team to add historical context to the site and highlight the environmental challenges.
The site also sought to gather public sentiment about the Tidal Basin through a series of questionnaires. These were gathered in a booklet in the spring of 2021 -- at this time, there had already been 1,600 responses to the questions.
The site was designed in-house and developed by Gordils & Willis.